I was listening to Pete Holmes’ podcast with TJ Miller when TJ said that Silicon Valley is so great because Mike Judge has finally created a workplace comedy that is 100% modern. Silicon Valley captures everything I imagine the real valley is like. So, that inspired me to create a list of all the quality Silicon Valley shirts that I could find. I did my best to avoid bringing piss to a shit fight, so I hope you enjoy! Here’s the list, in no particular order:

Pied Piper T-Shirt

We have to start with the classic Pied Piper logo t-shirt. These are available at multiple places, but I chose a version from Red Bubble. Buy it here.

Piss to a Shit FIght Silicon Valley

This shirt commemorates one of my all-time favorite quotes from Silicon Valley (maybe you noticed in my introduction paragraph). You can find it at Etsy.

Pied Piper Peanuts Shirt

I dig the Peanut’s style on this Pied Piper design. Buy it here.

Code Gay Silicon Valley T-Shirt

If you’re gay for Gilfoye’s code this shirt is the perfect way to express it. You can purchase it at Etsy.

Brogrammer t-shirt Silicon Valley

Maybe it’s not exclusively from the Silicon Valley TV show but I still think this Brogrammer t-shirt from Skreened fits. You can get it here.

Aviato t-shirt Silicon Valley

There wouldn’t be a Silicon Valley without Erlich’s early success with Aviato. Find this design here.

Gilfoyle's endless flight t-shirt

As worn by Gilfoyle, you can buy the Gilfoyle’s endless flight t-shirt at Skreened.

Silicon Valley T-Shirt Design by Humans

Nothing too special in this offering at Design by Humans, but it has that classic quad-color design.

Bro 2 Bro T-Shirt Silicon Valley

Another Redbubble offering. You can showcase your fandom to the Bro 2 Bro app. Just try not to get too emotionally connected with other bros.

Butts to Nuts T-Shirt Silicon Valley

I think the image speaks for itself here. Line em up, Nuts to Buts.

HTML How to Meet Ladies T-Shirt Silicon Valley

I don’t think this list could be considered complete without Erlich’s beautiful “I Know H.T.M.L” t-shirt. You can find the exact version he wore at Cafepress.

Pied Piper New Logo Shirt Silicon Valley

A more modern take on the Pied Piper logo that involves less…penis imagery. Buy this one here.

Binary Bitcoin T-Shirt Erlich Silicon Valley

I’m going heavy on the RedBubble shirts, but they have quite a few. Here’s the Bitcoin t-shirt that Erlich wore in Silicon Valley. Fun fact, apparently TJ Miller also has a binary shirt that spells Nietzsche, if I understood their podcast banter correctly.

Nintendium T-Shirt Erlich Silicon Valley

Skreened has the Nintendium t-shirt that Erlich wears in Silicon Valley. Enjoy the nostalgia.

Swot Decision T-Shirt

You don’t need a SWOT chart to make up your mind about buying this t-shirt


Erlich Bachman has quite the collection of t-shirts. Here’s another one he’s seen wearing in the show. You can buy it here.

Gilfoyle t-shirt silicon valley

Here’s another one in a sort of comic book style inspired by Gilfoyle. I dig it.

Steve jobs parody silicon valley t-shirt

You have to have at least one design parodying Steve Jobs…the show is called Silicon Valley after all. Buy it here.


A shirt commemorating the short-lived partnership between Homicide Energy Drink and Pied Piper.

HTML 5 shirt silicon valley gilfoyle

I guess this shirt isn’t exclusive to Silicon Valley, but Gilfoyle did wear it in an episode, and HTML 5 is cool.

I hope you enjoyed all 20 Silicon Valley shirts. Know of a good design that I missed? Please let me know in the comments and I’ll add it to the list!

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.

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