If you’ve read my blog for a decent amount of time, you probably know that I am a huge Arrested Development fan. As such, when a t-shirt company that I already really like makes an Arrested Development shirt, I, well, get a little giddy. This shirt, Bluth Family Crest, from 604 Republic caused such giddiness in me.
This shirt is just a treasure trove of little references that Arrested Development fans will love. The chicken, the bananas, the hook, and so much more are all there. It’s just a great shirt, and it does Arrested Development, one of the best written (and just best) TV shows, justice.
If you love Arrested Development as much as I do, you can pick this shirt up from 604 Republic. It will cost you $19.95. We’ve also got an exclusive 604 Republic coupon which should give you 15% off.
P.S. Cross your fingers and pray that the Arrested Development movie really does happen, and, more importantly, that it maintains the incredible quality of the show.