CommonThreadz is a pretty awesome idea for a charity. Each shirt is designed by an African orphan, and each shirt that is sold allows them to house one orphan for one month. You can get some cool shirts and help out a great cause at the same time. I’ve quoted the email below for more details:
Hello, I hope all is well with you. I’m just contacting you about possible blog worthy news. We recently launched a new series of t-shirts called The Orphan Collection. All the shirts are designed by orphans in Africa (pics of them are on the site) and we are able to feed an orphan for 1 month for each t-shirt sold, which is awesome. I think this is a really unique product line and a creative way for orphans themselves to participate in providing sustainable change for the better in their lives.
Check it out and hopefully you think it would be good for your blog. We certainly need some good press so it is much appreciated!
Also, each shipping package now includes 1) the name of the orphan that we are able to buy a school uniform / feed for a month because of their purchase & 2) a special code that will allow them to view & interact with that child’s online profile, complete with continually updated photos, videos, messages and more.
They are a register charity incase anyone is wondering.