I’ve known about Threadless’ print collaboration with Society6 for a while, but I had never delved deeper into the Society 6 website until today. When I did, I was pleasantly surprised by the sheer number of awesome t-shirt designs they had. I saw a bunch of designs that I loved on just the few pages I sifted through. I only chose one t-shirt today, but I’ll show off the rest of my favorites in due time.
This Darth Vader t-shirt, aptly entitled “Dark Lord”, is designed by Liam Brazier, and is flippin’ awesome. I love the geometric feel (there’s probably an official name for that, but I don’t know it…). It just looks damn cool. Plus, it’s Darth Vader…’nuff said. Black and red were the perfect colors to use, so props there, too. I just overall dig this design, and I’m debating buying it in print form to hang on my wall.
The t-shirt will cost you $22.00 at the Society6 Store. It’s printed on an American Apparel 100% cotton tee. You will definitely be seeing more Society6 stuff in the future.