Game of Thrones T-Shirt Dire BrewGame of Thrones shirt

Dire Brew is one craft beer I would love to get my hands on. It’s also a brilliant t-shirt from the people over at 604 Republic. I think it rivals the Damn it Feels Good to be a Lannister t-shirt I posted in the past as my favorite Game of Thrones t-shirt.

If you’re familiar with the Game of Thrones series (book or TV), you know that the Starks are a fairly bad-ass family from up North in Winterfell. Along with fighting other families, they’ve also started brewing their own Winter Lager called Direwolf (according to 604 Republic at least). I think the concept is great (I could see the Stark’s making beer), and the execution is even better. It looks 100% like a craft beer label, especially from afar. Once people get close they’ll notice the Game of Thrones reference and like it even more. Kudos to you, 604 Republic, for making a great t-shirt.

You can pick up your own Dire Brew t-shirt from the 604 Republic store. It will cost you a mere $19.95 for a six-pack (or t-shirt). I’ve also got a 604 Republic promo code which should lower your order by a solid 15%, making the design only about $17. Pick it up so you can wear it when Game of Thrones season 2 starts!

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.

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