It’s New Years, once again giving everyone an excellent excuse to drink too much champagne and go just a bit crazy (and there’s no better way to go crazy than releasing a few of your more hedonistic tendencies tonight). I like this shirt because I like the idea of a slightly-tweaked hedonism (even though it’s acquired a nasty, negative connotation in society), and I like the simplicity.
You can pick this one up on sale for $15 at Headline Shirts. We’ve also got a coupon for your pleasure. I hope everyone has a very enjoyable night.
Also, I always include Headline Shirts own description of the shirt, because they’re humorous and well written. Enjoy:
Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a card-carrying member of the Hedonist Party! And speaking of party, why aren’t we having one right now? If it feels good, do it — that’s my philosophy! Let’s start with a few words on Hedonism.
Webster’s defines hedonism as the doctrine that pleasure is the sole good in life. The name derives from the Greek word for “delight.” The philosopher Democritus is generally credited with–
Oh my God — snore! What is this, school? We should be eating filet mingon in shorts, or having sex while parasailing or something. This ain’t exactly cuttin’ it for me so I’m out. If anyone needs me, I’ll be on a waterslide at a resort in Jamaica — not giving a crap about anything outside of my utopian acropolis. Peace!