I was surprised to see Busted Tees come out with a t-shirt referencing the Wes Anderson movie, The Life Aquatic. Usually Busted Tees sticks to “t-shirt’izing” more popular movies (“t-shirt’izing”: Verb: To transform a concept or story into a t-shirt). I’m glad they decided to branch out though, as I love The Life Aquatic. It’s a great flick. Heck, I like it so much that I already own an awesome Zissou t-shirt from Waterloo.
The Belafonte is the research ship of Steve Zissou (played by Bill Murray). If you haven’t seen the movie, you probably think this t-shirt sucks. If you have, I think this shirt is a cool reference to the movie. I love how they diagrammed the entire ship out like the movie–good stuff.
This shirt will gently rob your wallet to the tune of $20.00 at Busted Tees (not bad at all). Remember you can always save money with one of my Busted Tees coupons, and check out The Life Aquatic, along with Wes’ other stuff.