So…I never thought I would do this, but I’m about to post a shirt from the often maligned T-Shirt Hell. I like some of their Torsopants designs (which I’ve posted about before), but this is the first, and odds are, the last, design I have ever posted from the main T-Shirt Hell line. All that negative stuff being said…I really like this shirt. The three people depicted, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck, are stooges, and I’ll leave it at that because I don’t want to get too political. The shirt is just legitimately funny.
Also, Glenn Beck insulted Philadelphia with some completely ridiculous statements, so I gotta get my jab back. In case you’re not familiar with Philadelphia, the City Hall area is incredibly safe, and I’ve frequently walked around the area after 10pm. Glenn was just angry that Philadelphia didn’t want to listen to his radio show anymore.
If you wanna pick this shirt up, you can buy it for $20 at T-Shirt Hell. We’ve also got coupons for T-Shirt Hell to hopefully save you some money. Lemme know if you hate me for posting a shirt mocking Glenn and company!