Sebastian from 604 Republic (a brand I really enjoy) just emailed me about their three new releases. All the designs are pretty sweet–they’ve got Star Wars, Calvin and Hobbes (childhood!) and the Neverending Story. Ok, let’s check ’em out, in order of how much I like them:
This first one is called Ride the Falcon and features Han Solo and Chewy riding a very literal falcon, rather than their more traditional spaceship. Pretty badass, right? I think so.
This shirt, named Malvin & Cobbes, is essentially a tie for my most favorite with the Star Wars shirt (I could never rank Calvin and Hobbes low). If this doesn’t bring you back to your childhood and make you want to buy the shirt, I don’t know what will.
This last one is another ode to childhood. I wasn’t as in to the Neverending Story as Calvin and Hobbes, but it’s still a cool design.
The last two shirts will cost you $21.00 each, while the Ride the Falcon t-shirt will cost you $22.00. I’ve got a page with 604 Republic coupons that should still save you 10% or so on your order. I will also be sure to keep you updated with the next batch of sweet shirts from 604 Republic.