This week is quite good for Threadless shirts. They reprinted a design that I’ve long wanted, as well as coming out with a great new one.
First, the one I wanted reprinted. Ever since I joined Threadless, I’ve been wishing they would reprint their Ctrl + Z shirt. Today, they did. That makes me happy.
Also this week, they released a new shirt that I really like, being Greek Mixology. The idea for this one is perfect, I just hope people will understand it without seeing the title.
Lastly, I figure I should mention this weeks super limited, super expensive shirt, entitled Decapitated Doomsday. It’s not really my cup of tee, but the concept of a unique (each one is individually dipped in dye), limited Threadless shirt is pretty cool.
Decapitated Doomsday – Threadless
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