Headline Shirts is still one of my favorite brands for the comedic side of t-shirt design. They’ve got a bunch of great designs, and as I’ve mentioned before, they write some of the best product descriptions ever (I’ll include it below for your enjoyment).

They’re also running a sale right now, which includes this shirt (Violence) and a few others. Sweet…

As for Violence, its got a great graphic and can be summed up pretty awesomely by the product description. Check it!

Do you experience sudden fits of anger or irritation? Do elderly people and children cause you to become upset? Have you ever threatened a person’s family because they prepared your Double Whopper incorrectly?

If you answered “go to hell” to any of these questions, maybe it’s time you tried Violence. Violence is clinically proven to treat these symptoms:

• Loss of money or respect
• Inability to wait in lines
• Sass-mouth college boys
• Moments of clarity
• Low self esteem
• Dry mouth
• Runny nose
• Boredom

Ask your doctor if Violence is right for you. If your doctor does not think violence is right for you, chillingly ask him whether he enjoys being able to walk and see if he reconsiders. Look for our ad in Golf Digest!

Check out this shirt, and the rest of Headline Shirts’ offerings, at their store. Save even more money by using a Headline Shirts coupon–it’s the right thing to do.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.

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