Sorry for posting two sales in a row–I’ve been travelling so I haven’t had time to post regularly. But, this is a big deal, so I had to make a special effort to get this post up and let you guys know. Threadless just launched one of their awesome $12.00 tee sales! The 25% off discount at Threadless just expired, making me sad. But then I check today and find Threadless is running a $12.00 sale, and my eyes light up! Threadless has really been laying on the discounts heavily the past few months, it’s great stuff. I don’t see an expiration date, so I’m not sure when this ends. All I know is that every single t-shirt at Threadless only costs $12.00, so you should take advantage of this as soon as possible so you don’t miss out. Also, remember that popular designs often sell out during sales, so you don’t wanna wait too long to put your order in.
To sum up, Threadless just launched a store-wide, $12.00 t-shirt sale. I’m not sure when this sale will end. We’ve got a Threadless coupon code page, but Threadless typically disables all of their coupons during sales, so that probably won’t help you. Get your order in quickly, ’cause you never know when the sale might end, or when that shirt you want so much may sell out!
Expect a bunch more great back to school sales in the coming weeks. I will do my best to post them up as I become aware of them. Hopefully I can save you guys some money and get you some cool tees.
Dude that’s an awesome deal! Thanks for sharing.