Pop Chart Lab is an incredibly interesting brand that just released four awesome new designs. Their designs remind me of really detailed infographics, but made into t-shirt form. As Aileen informed me, all their shirts require hundreds of hours of research to get all the details right. These are no mere shirts. They have shirts exploring and mapping things like rap names, beer, movie monsters. All are incredibly detailed and accurate.
All of those are very cool (and will be posted about in the future), but this design showcasing famous haircuts from music is definitely my favorite. It has every relevant person on it. I won’t even try to list all the names, but if someone is notable and in modern music, they’re probably on the shirt. Shirts like these are always great for wearing, as you’ll definitely get tons of attention and people looking at your shirt. I like this design very much–it’s a cool concept, and it’s executed well down to the very last detail. Good stuff.
You can buy this shirt for $18.00 at Pop Chart Lab’s store. You can also zoom in on the shirt to see every haircut in detail. While you’re over there, be sure to check out all their other cool stuff as well.
awesome! want to have it!