Eddie just emailed me about his cool new “Where Are You From? CA, NY or Other” t-shirt. Speaking as someone living in Philadelphia, I’m not sure I can fully agree with the sentiment, but I’m guessing this t-shirt would be especially relevant in the film industry. Even if I don’t entirely agree, I still think it’s a cool and clever design worthy of being checked out.

Rather than a traditional store, Eddie is selling is design through Kickstarter, and the first 25 orders are allowed to pay whatever they want. As with all Kickstarter projects, the shirts won’t get printed unless the goal of $1,000 is reach. Of course, if the goal isn’t reached you won’t be charged anything, so there’s no risk. Anyway, check it out and help him out if you like the shirt, ’cause Eddie still has a bit of a ways to go. The shirt is also a limited run–so you won’t be seeing it all over the place. I’m guessing most of the shirts will be concentrated in California and New York.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.


  1. A great majority of my customers are from either or. I guess that’s just where all the beautiful people live. I wouldn’t know. I’m from South Dakota.

  2. Not too wild about the t shirt because i don’t really like California or New York, but cool concept for those who do. This is exactly what I am looking to sell on my site though, whether or not I like it.
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