Ammmmmggggg. Fullbleed Series 11 has just launched, and boy is it great. As is Fullbleed’s modus operandi, there are a ton of awesome t-shirts in this series. Rob Dobi, the man behind Fullbleed, has one of my favorite t-shirt design styles (hence why he’s been on my “favorite t-shirt companies” list since pretty much troundup’s inception). His designs are just so…elegant? I can’t find the adjectives I want, so I’ll let the pictures do the talking. Here are some of my favorite t-shirts from Fullbleed Series 11, but you should check all of them out.

In total, there are nine new t-shirts (I think I counted right). He’s also released two awesome prints. One of these prints is of Bombshell (the shirt on the bottom right), while the other is only a print. This second one, The Optimist, is a great piece of art. Definitely check it out–we can branch out a little beyond t-shirts, right? There’s a picture of it below.

Hit up the Fullbleed store to check out all the new releases. I’ve also got a Fullbleed coupon page ready to go should Rob ever release a coupon. Unfortunately, he has yet to do so. I will never lose hope, though.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.

One Comment

  1. I like the t-shirt with the skull.

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