I love this t-shirt. I burst out at laughing as soon as I saw the title (I Hate Taking the Bus to Work). It’s just my kind of humor I guess. Not only is the concept funny, but I think the person (creature?) looks absolutely ridiculous, in a good way. I mean…that mustache? C’mon! Frankly, the image by itself makes me laugh. The title is just the gravy on top of the mashed laughing.
You can pick this awesome, awesome design up for 26 Euros from the German store, A Better Tomorrow. A Better Tomorrow continuously finds great designs. I just wish they were in the USA so there would be no shipping/Euro pains. They’re the same people who sell Evil Scream, which is one of my favorite designs. Anyway, check out this design, and then browse around the rest of the store because you will probably find a bunch more stuff you like.