Headline Shirts is back with more goofy quotes attributed to famous figures. These quotes usually seem to be, well, something that the person would never actually say. Such as this one, with Edgar Allen Poe saying “I just wanna dance”. I don’t think the master of the macabre would utter those words too often. That’s what makes it funny (get it?!?). Anyway, I dig it, and I hope Headline Shirts keeps up the theme. I guarantee you will get some double-takes from readers of your tee that are familiar with Mr. Poe.
You can pick up the shirt for $14.00 (for a limited time at this price) at the Headline Shirts store. As always, be sure to read their product description. They write them quite well, and the descriptions are always good for a laugh. Lastly, be sure to check for a Headline Shirts coupon before ordering anything.
This shirt makes me laugh. Is Dancing with the Stars next for EAP?
Bought! Great find!
Your 20% off coupon (4SHIRTS) didn’t work and I had 4 shirts. Oh well the 15% off (CUZYOUCAN15) did.
I’m a chump for anything with EA Poe on it and this one is pretty cool. Like the simple black and white treatment for the archival look. Well done!
(disregard previous comment. My name linked to some coupon website!).
I’m a chump for anything with EA Poe on it and this one is pretty cool. Like the simple black and white treatment for the archival look. Well done!