I just got an email from Prescott about a fairly new line called FaceLift shirts. The shirts are just like any other graphic tee, but with the added “lift” part of the shirt illustrated by the above images. It’s an interesting/goofy twist on the graphic shirt, and it also gives you an excuse to show off your awesome six pack (or undershirt), so win-win.

They’ve got a bunch of different designs, such as the Nerd or the Surfer, but I think my favorite is the one featured. Clowns are super creepy, so when you lift the shirt it’s a creep-tastic surpriseĀ for whoever (no m, right?) you’re with.

The shirts will cost about $22.00, and they’re printed on recycled, organic cotton which Prescott describes as some of the softest tees ever, which I’m all about. Go check ’em out.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.

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