I enjoy Wes Anderson stuff, and therefore dig this shirt (makes sense). I really like how the red hat pops out on the otherwise blue background. If you haven’t seen the Life Aquatic, or other Wes Anderson stuff for that matter, I recommend you go do that.

You can pick it up for $19 at Waterloo.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.


  1. Sums up the movie very well. Not sure about the timing on this one though. Didn’t think it was big enough of a cult hit to make a shirt of it out of the blue (no pun intended. Still, nice.

  2. Waterloo just seems to enjoy Wes Anderson stuff. They have a Royal Tenenbaums shirt too.

  3. […] my little string of praise, I also like how much his red hat pops out, it reminds me a bit of the red hat in the Life Aquatic shirt I posted awhile […]

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