I was just watching a few hours of shark week yesterday (lots of stuff on great whites, plus some Dirty Jobs), so this shirt comes at a fitting time. If you don’t know what shark week is, read up on it at Discovery Channel’s website, or, even better, watch some on the aforementioned channel.
Jon, the owner of Mediocre Clothing, is pretty cool, so you’re supporting a good shop. Also, he’s created a coupon code, troundup, that’s good for 20% off your order until next Friday. Check it out at Mediocre Clothing.
Just so you know, this shirt is a quote from NBC’s 30 Rock. Specifically, it’s advice given by Tracy Jordan to Kenneth, the eager and naive NBC page.
Didn’t know that, I thought it was original. Still a great tee though.
My god, I thought Kat is the guru in t-shirt world but seem like you are doing pretty good as well:) You even provide the t-shirt coupons. So much valuable info here. Keep up your hard works!! Love~
This is a great shirt! Live every week like its shark week. lol.
Thanks for all the support guys!
This is from thirty rock, and once I heard it over a year ago I knew I had to make it into a shirt. Best quote of the show.
It´s a pretty design,really.
If you got a 2 minutes please turn around to Deviantart for to see some designs of mine: http://elcodigodebarras.deviantart.com/gallery/.
Good Blog boys…and girls too.
its actually from a song
Just an FYI, this coupon code is 10% not 20%