I was a little shocked, and very happy, when I opened Busted Tees’ new release newsletter earlier today. Why would they make a t-shirt based on show that got cancelled years ago? Well, I don’t know why, but I sure am glad they did it. Party Down, the show this design pulls its inspiration from, is a super funny and intelligent comedy that starred Mr. Adam Scott (who is currently bringing his humor to another great show, Parks and Recreation). In the show, He’s a failed actor famous for his embarrassing beer commercial slogan of, you guessed it, “Are We Having Fun Yet?!?” This shirt immortalizes those words for all of eternity, and ties in the signature Party Down bow-tie for good measure. I think this shirt is absolutely awesome and totally hilarious, though I understand you probably have to be familiar with the show to enjoy it as much as I do.
After you’ve plowed through both seasons of Party Down (conveniently available for instant streaming on Netflix), buy this shirt from Busted Tees for only $20.00, a small price to pay for the enjoyment it will bring to other Party Down fans. Needless to say (though I’m gonna say it anyway), this shirt will probably be a huge hit at parties and other events where beer is being consumed, as well as life in general. Also, remember to use a Busted Tees coupon to save some money.
So yeah, plop down on your couch and watch some Party Down–you won’t regret it.