I dig well done, interesting tie-dye shirts, which consequently leads to me  liking B’s Tees very much. You can choose your blank shirt and colors and have B make you a shirt from scratch, or you can pick from one of her individually number and signed designs (none of those tie-dye mills who crank out huge batches of the exact same design).

The customization is a cool touch, and her designs are really interesting and well done. I’ve grabbed just a few samples to post here, but you should check them all out.

You can visit B’s Tees by going here. Prices start at $17.00.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.

One Comment

  1. Seems like a good deal for custom tie dye T’s.

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