“hirsute [hur-soot] -adjective: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of hair.”
Man, Jeremy is always coming up with great ideas for shirts (and lines of shirts). This one is definitely no exception. Thanks to Jeremy, you can proudly display the hair of any number of your favorite historical figures.
The colors he picked (yellow and red) are excellent and, much more importantly, they’re all beautiful renditions of the applicable person’s hirsute inclinations (did I use that right?).
Anyway, check out all the options at Hirsute History–I’ve only picked two of my many favorites. While you’re at it, check out Jeremy’s other stuff as well. It’s grand. Amorphia Apparel was one of the first brands I wrote about, if I can remember that far back (it’s been like 3 years. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!!).
Gotta have a Fredrick Douglass one next!