This post doesn’t serve much purpose other than highlighting three band shirts that I bought and am incredibly psyched to receive. Actually, I guess there is some small purpose, because sometime soon I’ll be digging through the plethora of shirts out there and picking my favorite for each (being Grateful Dead, The Beatles, and Bob Dylan–I wanted to buy some shirts from obscure bands). I usually try to buy shirts only from bands I’ve seen in concert, but that’s not easy with these dudes,although I did see Phil Lesh and Friends at Bonnaroo and almost saw Dylan. I’ve yet to get close to seeing The Beatles though (surprise!). So yeah, here are the three I bought, and expect more detailed posts for all of them soon. Sorry that the pictures are not the greatest quality.

Grateful Dead

Grateful Dead Shirt

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Shirt

The Beatles (you may have seen this one before).


I also bought a bunch of other shirts recently, including Dr. Dog (who I haven’t seen, but will be seeing in about a month), The Spinto Band, Ra Ra Riot (I have three of their shirts now!), and the Cold War Kids.

P.S. Can you tell I like tie-dye?

P.P.S. I really just wanted to post something regarding music. Be my friend on!

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.


  1. I just got my My Awesome Mixtape’s T-Shirt.
    It’s something like this, but in blue. They’re on tour in Europe right now, but I think they’re coming to the USA next year.

  2. Love Dr. Dog!! You have to see them live.. and their latest cd, FATE is great.. For a great, hand made, hand dyed interesting tee shirt, check out “The Devils Horns Kill the Matador” band.. their myspace or face book. They had make every shirt, hand screen and hand dye all of their shirts. They just toured the Netherlands and people were buying their shirts even if they didn’t come to see the band. They are cheap, too.

  3. I’m actually seeing them in two weeks–twice, because it’s a two night concert. I’m very, very psyched.

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