After beginning to read through the 700 emails I’ve allowed to amass in my inbox (yeah, that’s why I suck at responding), I came across this awesome new brand called Anti Monkey. They’ve just released their first collection, aptly entitled “What the Fuck.” The collection consists of 12 different designs of the middle finger (and surrounding hand) in all its glory; each design wanting to tell its own story. I’ll let them give you a little picture of the meaning behind it:
…our brainchild ANTI MONKEY, our riot against boredom and mediocrity, manifested in shameless T-shirt prints. Our first statement is the collection What The Fuck, which is about celebrating life, encouraging self-staging, gender swapping. Each print stands for one middle-finger-story, e.g. of a sparkling Ladyboy, jiggle-wiggle Mr. Pudding, rough & tough Rocky, schick and proud Madam.
I dig the designs, as well as the accompanying message behind them. You can pick up all the designs at the Anti Monkey website. They’ll run you 25 euros each (which is finally close to $25! Thanks exchange rate).
These Anti Monkey shirts are sick! i need to get the white one.
And here we were all thinking being crass was just an American thing. Bloody hell.