I just came home from college and did a little closet cleaning. The result? Like 70 t-shirts that I’m looking to get rid of. I’m going to sell these in huge bundles of 10+ shirts. I’ve got Threadless, Design by Humans, Busted Tees, and tons and tons of random shirts which you can pick up ridiculously cheap. Because I’m selling them in such huge bundles, I’m going to use large flat rate priority boxes to ship them in. As such, add $16.50 to the price for shipping (unless specified otherwise)–sorry, but 15+ shirts are pretty heavy. Email me at crn001 ^^&at&^^ gmail.com or head to my contact page if you’re interested. Now, on to the lists:

All these shirts are in excellent condition, and most have only been worn once (if ever). We’ll start with the Threadless Bundle.

Threadless Bundle. 14 shirts, all sized Guys Medium. $42 + shipping ($3 a shirt!!).

I Listen to Bands that Don’t Even Exist Yet
Dead Shred
I Wish I Were
Shakespeare Hates Your…
Executioner is a Nice Job
No More Bento
Swamp Guitar
If You’re Interested in Time Travel…
Big Cats
Doin my Best

Design by Humans Bundle #1. 16 Shirts, Guys Medium. $48 +  shipping ($3 a shirt!!).
Freedom Fighter
Rainy Days
Flock from the Norm (Part 2)
Caspian Tiger (1947)
Concentric Downpour
Shark with Pixelated Teeth
The Flood
Halftone Robot
Set me Free
A Pirates Tale
Controlled Chaos
Chaos Came from the Ocean

Design by Humans Bundle #2. 13 Shirts, Guys Small. $39 + Shipping ($3 a Shirt!!).

Time to Say Goodbye
Black Hole Sun (white)
Swing to the Music
Drink the Sun
Kyung Jin
Thrillin Bear
Shark with Pixelated Teeth
Oodle Doodle
The Flood
Black Hole Sun (grey)

Busted Tees Bundle. 3 Shirts, All Guys Medium. $12 + $6 shipping ($4 a shirt!!).

Car Ramrod

*************Now for some fun…the random shirt bundles. If you read my blog often, the shirts will fit my style. Other than that though–it’s completely random (it would be way too much work to track down all the shirts). These are not “bad” shirts by any means, they are just from a bunch of random companies (teextile, uneetee, and seriously too many to try to name) so any cohesive grouping is impossible. They’re also ridiculously cheap:

Random Bundle #1. 14 Shirts, Guys Medium. $21.o0 + shipping. ($1.50 a shirt!! I”m Crazy).

Picture of Shirts for Bundle #1 — It’s got some Teextile,  Ten Bills, Monsieur T, Vintage Vantage, Dirty Microbe (before they scammed people–own a piece of history) and many others.

Random Bundle #2. 13 Shirts, Guys Medium. $19.50 + shipping. ($1.50 a shirt!! I”m Crazy).

Picture of Shirts for Bundle #2 — It’s got some Teextile, Dirty Microbe (again, before they scammed people), Uneetee, Vintage Vantage, and many others.

Random Bundle #3. 13 Shirts, Guys Medium. $19.50 + shipping. ($1.50 a shirt!! I”m Crazy).

Picture of Shirts for Bundle #3 — It’s got some Teextile, Monsieur T, Ten Bills, and many others.

Again…Email me at crn001 ^^&at&^^ gmail.com or head to my contact page if you’re interested.

Posted by Colin

Colin is a graphic t-shirt enthusiast living in Hanoi, Vietnam. When he's not browsing the latest graphic t-shirts, you can find him freelance writing for clients or sharing his latest travels.


  1. Posts like this just give me another reason to wish I was thinner.

  2. I feel like there should be an auctioneer speed-talking in the background.

  3. That is a ton of tees! Are you going to have any left??

  4. I will indeed. I never really realized the extent of my collection until I pulled them all out of the closet.

  5. If you’re unable to sell them you could always donate them to charity like Good Will and get a tax credit.

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